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Decision on granting funds to associations applied to the Public Call “Communication Support to the Associations’ Community Services Programmes”Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs) in cooperation with the Croatian Association for Public Relations rewarded three awards to associations active in the area of media literacy. 08.08.2024. | News
Rewarded associations that participated in the manifestation NGOs' Open Days 2024 08.08.2024. | News | NGOs' Open Days
Results of Public Call „Communication Support to the Associations' Community Services Programmes“Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs) and the Croatian Association for Public Relations in cooperation with the agencies for public relations (Communicative Agency, MPR, Light komunikacije) will reward three associations with expert communication support. 12.07.2024. | News
Held informative workshops for potential applicants to the Call “Strengthening of the CSOs Capacities for Promotion of STEM (ESF+)” in Šibenik and SplitThe Call was published within the Programme Efficient human resources from ESF+ 10.07.2024. | News | Europski socijalni fond + (ESF+)
Held informative workshops for potential applicants to the Call “Strengthening of the CSOs Capacities for Promotion of STEM (ESF+) 10.07.2024. | News | European Social Fund + (ESF+)
Interactive workshop for creating project ideas within the CERV programme in Petrinja on 12 July 2024National Contact point of the Union programme Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) in the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs) is organising an interactive, creative workshop for development of project ideas for the Programme. 10.07.2024. | News | Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV)
8 applications for co-financing of civil society organisations projects were approved The Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs) adopted the first Decision on co-financing the projects of civil society organisations (CSOs) for 2024. 09.07.2024. | News | Co-financing
The Call Strengthening of the CSOs Capacities for Promotion of STEM presented in KarlovacThe citizens of the Town of Karlovac and the Karlovac County learned more about the Call at the informative and educational event “EU FUNDS - New Opportunities 2021-2027” organised by the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds. 09.07.2024. | News | European Social Fund + (ESF+)
Annual Plan of Calls for proposals of state administration bodies in 2024The Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs) has prepared an integrated Annual Plan of calls and other programmes for financing of CSOs projects/programmes from public services at national level in 2024. 01.07.2024. | Page
Public Call for nomination of candidates for the Open Government Partnership initiative Council membersWe invite associations acting in the area of access to information and transparency to nominate candidates for the members and deputy members of the Open Government Partnership initiative Council. 21.06.2024. | News | Open Government Partnership (OGP) Initiative