With a view to encourage regional and international cooperation in civil sector development, the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs has taken part in organizing delegation visits from South Eastern Europe for the purpose of transferring knowledge and experience in creating an enabling environment for civil society development in the countries of the region.
Within a study tour to Croatia, organised by the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, the Turkish delegation visited the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs on 20 September 2012. The visit was aimed at familiarising the delegation with the system of monitoring the implementation of EU funded projects which is done by civil society organisations in Croatia.
On this occasion the participants were given general information on decentralised system of monitoring project implementation as well as on the role of the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs, specifically the Unit for Project Implementation in relation to the Central Financing and Contracting Agency based on the signed Operational Agreement. They were introduced to the mechanism of consultations with civil society representatives throughout the project cycle particularly during the programming stage. In this stage priorities are proposed for financing through individual allocations wherein the Council for Civil Society Development in Croatia plays a significant role.
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International Cooperation