Co-financing of EU projects of civil society organizations

In recent years, civil society organizations in the Republic of Croatia have used almost one hundred percent of available EU funds intended for the civil society sector, with which they financed programs of information, education and empowerment of all sectors in society, providing a variety of social services that the state has not developed, environmental protection, social entrepreneurship, and fight against corruption.
One of the biggest obstacles that many civil society organizations face in the implementation of EU projects is related to co-financing. Although most of the funds for the approved projects areprovided by the EU and national funds, part of the funds in individual projects need to be ensured by the users.

Bearing in mind the
use of structural funds after the Croatian accession to the EU and the increase of funds available to the civil society sector, it is important to ensure the continuity of investment in strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations for the effective implementation of EU projects.

With a Public Call for submission of applications for co-financing projects of civil society organizations
contracted in the framework of the European Union programs and foreign funds, the Office for Cooperation with NGOs from April 2011 to date provides support for the co-financing of obligatory contributions of civil society organizations as the beneficiaries of these projects.