Achieved progress in creating an enabling environment for civil society development in Croatia

Government of Republic of Croatia, during the session that took place on 23rd July 2015 adopted the Report on implementation of the National Strategy for the Creation of an Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development from 2012 to 2016.

The National Strategy is focused on four priority areas: I. Institutional framework for civil society development, II. Civil society and participatory democracy, III. Strengthening the role of civil society organizations for social and economic development and IV. Civil society work and further development in the international context. These priority areas build on the key themes of the Operational Plan of the National Strategy for the Creation of an Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development from the 2007 to 2011. Also, mentioned areas incorporated the results during an extensive one-year consultation with the public while the new Strategy was developed. The backbone of this document consists of 26 objectives, 27 measures and 91 activities that Croatian Government, in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders, wanted to undertake in the five-year period of implementation of the Strategy.

By the end of 2014, as a mid-term period for implementation of the National Strategy, there were reported 45 fully implemented activities, almost half of the planned 91 activities, while other activities are in the final stages of implementation.

Key developments that need to be highlighted:
  • Improved legal framework for development of NGOs and other non-profit organizations - adopted and implemented new Law on Associations and Law on Financial Operations and Accountancy of Non-profit organisations,
  • Determined criteria and standards for financing of programs and projects of NGOs from public sources – adopted Regulation on the criteria, standards and procedures of financing and contracting programs and projects of interest to the public good implemented by associations,
  • Established criteria for allocating premises owned by the State government to civil society organizations,
  • Improved legal framework for the development of volunteering in Croatia,
  • Improved standards and procedures in conducted consultations with the interested public, through necessary legislative changes and the establishment of a central portal for consultation with the public, Improved conditions for development of non-profit media,
  • Strengthened capacity of NGOs and other civil society organizations that resulted in 100% absorption of EU funds for the civil society sector.

Implementing and co-implementing bodies, for the purpose of implementing specific measures and activities stated in the Strategy, spent 96.472.469,33 kunas of the state budget.

Full report can be downloaded here.
