The implementation of the Europe for Citizens Program started in 2007 as one of the EU programs, aimed at providing financial support for projects promoting active European citizenship.
The purpose of the Program in this programming period was to strengthen citizens’ participation in the European integration process through discussions and exchange of opinions on EU, to increase European identity and promote intercultural dialogue and understanding among the citizens of European countries. The total budget of the Program for this period was 215 million euros.
The Republic of Croatia has participated in this Program since 2008, and by the end of 2013 the total of 2.623.262, 95 euros were granted. In the period 2007-2013 there were 68 projects implemented, and the Croatian beneficiaries participated in additional 206 projects as partners. The detailed information on the results achieved within this Program in the period 2007-2013 in the Republic of Croatia can be found in the attached
The general aims of the Program in the period 2007-2013:
- providing opportunities for the citizens to interact and participate in creating a closer Europe, the one that is democratic and world-oriented, united and enriched in its cultural diversity, thus developing the citizenship of the European union,
- nourishing the European identity feeling, based on common values, history and culture,
- cultivating the feeling of the European union affiliation,
- increasing tolerance and mutual understanding among the European citizens by respecting and promoting cultural and linguistic diversity, thus contributing to the intercultural dialogue.
The specific aims of the Program in the period 2007 – 2013:
- to gather local community members around Europe so as to share and exchange experiences, opinions and values, as well as to learn from the history and build the future,
- to encourage action, discussion and ponderation on the topic of the European citizenship and democracy, common values, common history and culture through the cooperation among CSOs on the European level,
- to familiarize the citizens with Europe by promoting the European values and achievements, while at the same time preserving remembrance to its past,
- to entice an interaction among citizens and CSOs from the countries participating in the Program, thus contributing to the intercultural dialogue, emphasizing both the diversity and unity of Europe, and considering specifically those activities which are aimed at developing closer relations among the citizens of the EU member countries that had accessed the European Union until April 30th 2004, as well as the countries that became its members after the mentioned date.
Measures financed in the programming period 2007 – 2013:
Active participation of the European citizens
Activity 1 – “Active citizens for Europe” focused directly on the citizens’ participation. The local community citizens around Europe gathered in bilateral and multilateral twinning projects, so as to promote tolerance and mutual understanding of differences, exchange their experiences and examples of best practice, meet reciprocally other cultures in Europe, as well as strengthen the European identity as an upgrade of the local and regional one.
Civil society at work
Activity 2 – “The active civil society in Europe” was oriented toward CSOs, from local civil initiatives to networks of associations active on a local, regional, national or European level, organizations doing research in European public policies, unions, and educational and research institutions. The aim of this activity was to encourage CSOs to teamwork by acting, discussing and pondering jointly on common issues referring to the European citizenship.
Improving awareness of the Program
Activity 3 – “Together for Europe” was implemented by the European Commission with the aim of wider engagement of citizens on the European level in the activities that improve the visibility of EU activities, by organizing large European conferences in various fields of work of the European Union (e.g. in the cooperation with the countries presiding the EU Council), doing research and studies that contribute to better understanding of civil participation and informing about the activities and achievements within the Program.
Preserving European remembrance
Activity 4 – “Active European remembrance” focused on the projects of preserving remembrance- areas of massive executions and deportations, concentration camps and other places of perish from the period of Nazism and Stalinism, as well as other totalitarian regimes, including the projects linked to honoring the victims of massive executions and deportations.