Experiences of CSOs in implementation of ESF projects

The Croatian Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs has published a brochure about the projects financed within the Operational Program “Human Resources Development 2007-2013”.

On July 21st 2014 the Croatian Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs, as a body accredited for the implementation of the Operational Program “Human Resources Development 2007-2013”, i.e. for the implementation of ESF operations, announced two Calls for Project Proposals (calls for ESF grants), and on December 29th 2014 contracted the implementation of the projects from the both Calls within the Priority Axis 5, measure 5.2 “Strengthening the role of CSOs for social and economic growth and democratic development” of the OP Human Resources Development: “Building the capacities of CSOs for providing social services” and “Micro-projects of support to innovative activities of small CSOs for local development”.

CSOs have successfully used the EU funds that were programmed by the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs and used to emphasize their significance for democratic development and social and economic growth, and almost 100% of the funds available in the previous period were contracted. They also make a significant number of applicants and partners in the project implementation in the grant schemes aimed at social exclusion prevention, employability increase (especially regarding marginalized groups) and education development.

This information brochure presents the successful projects, with a review made by the organizations which implemented these projects on the biggest challenges they met during the project implementation, as well as their view of the project contribution to positive changes and their effects on the community, i.e. the society as a whole, in which they were implemented. The total number of 71 projects were funded. At the request of the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs, 61 project beneficiaries gave their reviews. The overview of the projects is accompanied by the quotes and/or impressions given by the project beneficiaries and numerous photos that evoke the diversity of the projects which have contributed to the development of innovative social services, civil society development, as well as civic engagement in local community development.

The purpose of this brochure is to inform and encourage other civil society organizations to apply for the upcoming calls for proposals within the European Social Fund, by using the examples of good practice.

The brochure – CSO experiences in ESF project implementation
This brochure was published as part of the project “Support for the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs in the implementation of the Operational Program Human Resources Development” (Contract no. HR.4.1.03-005) of the total value of 857.264,00 HRK. The project was contracted within the grant scheme “Support for the Operational Structure Human Resources Development” (Call no. HR.4.1.03), which was funded by the European Union and the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia within the European Social Fund, the OP Human Resources Development 2007-2013, priority axis 4- Technical Assistance.
