Twelfth year in a row calls for proposals to support of CSOs projects/programs from State Budget and EU funds that will be published by the ministries, Government Officies and other public institutions were presented to the interested civil society organisations.
The Government Office for NGOs in cooperation with the state administration bodies – donors of funds from public sources, have organised Info Days on calls for proposals to support of CSOs projects/programs from the State Budget and EU funds in 2021.
Due to the epidemiological situation, Info Days were held entirely online and we would like to thank all the lectures who were willing and able to hold a virtual version of the lecture.
During the whole event, an online broadcast was provided in order to enable the information and active participation of as many interested applicants from all over Croatia. The online transmission of the Info Days was carried out via the link
Info Days 2021 - YouTube of the Government for NGOs, where you can also view recordings from both days of the event.
The interest in Info Days was great this year as well, which can be seen from the number of views of YouTube channels and received inquiries from the audience. We would like to thank all those interested who followed us and at the same time apologize if on a couple of occasions there were technical problems with the transmission of the event.
All the CSOs projects and programs donors presentations (below is the list of institutions) can be found at this link (the page on Croatian where the presentations were published):
1. Non-institutional education for children and youth, promotion of science, support to youth associations, promotion of children rights and family support
Ministry of Science and Education – non-institutional education; teaching assistants (special education needs assistants); creation of the manuals for the blind and visually impaired pupils and students; public calls in the area of science
2. Democratisation and civil society development including institutional support
National Foundation for the Civil Society Development
3. Care for people with disabilities, social welfare and volunteer development
Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy
Institute for Expertise, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities
4. Culture
Ministry of Culture and Media – Programs for civil society; Creative Europe; Backpack and audience development
Foundation “Kultura nova”
Electronic Media Agency
5. Co-ofinancing of CSOs projects and programs contracted within the EU programs / European Social Fund / Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Program 2021-2027
Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs
6. Health protection, fight against addiction and legal aid support
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Justice and Public Administration - Directorate for the Prison System and Probation
Ministry of Justice and Public Administration – Free legal aid
7. Care for Croatian veterans and victims of the Homeland War
Ministry of Croatian Veterans
8. International development cooperation and programs for the Croats in abroad
Central State Office for Croats outside the Republic of Croatia
Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs – Cultural promotion
Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs – International Development Cooperation
Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs – Friendship Societies
Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs – Informing on the EU
9. Protection and promotion of human rights, rights of national minorities and consumers protection
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development
10. Support to the development of rural areas, islands and areas of special state concern
Ministry of Regional Development and EU funds
11. Environment and climate action
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development – LIFE Programme 2021.-2027.