Results of the Public Call „Communication support to socially benneficial programmes of the associations“

Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs) and the Croatian Assocaition for Public Relations, in cooperation with the agencies for public relations (Aplauz komunikacije and Manjgura) will provide communication support to the two associations 

The Public Call „Communication support to socially benneficial programmes of the associations“ was published on April 1, 2021 on the GOfNGOs website and was open until May 10, 2021. A total of 20 application were received. After administrative check, 19 applications were submitted for quality assessment.
After quality evaluation done, the Committee for quality assessment selected two winning associations and defined the final ranking list of the received applciations
  1. CeZaM Zaprešić – Nema zdravlja bez mentalnog zdravlja (There is no health without mental health) – 84,6
  2. Centar za kulturne djelatnosti – Iza kulisa (Behind the Scenes)
The Applicants whose applications have not been selected for funding may object to the results of the Call within 8 days of publication to the e-mail adress:
