Representation of the EESC and the members of the Third Group

The presentation was organised on July 16, 2021 in a hybrid format.

The Croatian representatiives of the third group of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Lidija Pavić-Rogošić, Svjetlana Marijon and Danko Relić, presented their work to the representatives of the civil sector.
The goal of the presentation was to increase awareness of the CS representatives on the EESC and in particular the possibility of associating with the CSOs for the purpose of creating an opinion for the EESC for which the Croatian CSOs' representatives are in charge. It was announceed that the activities of Croatian representatives will be intensified. Also, informing through thematic meetings in order to create opinions for the EESC on various topics, but also through the Council for the Civil Society Development of which Danko Relić is a member and the president will be continued.
More information on the European Economic and Social Committee can be found on the EESC offcial website, as well as on the ODRAZ website.

News | European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)