Consultations on the draft Action plan for implementation of the Open Goverment Partnership initiative in the Republic of Croatia (RoC) for the period from 2021 to 2023

Public Consultations on the draft Action Plan for implementation of the Open Government Partnership initiative in the RoC for the period from 2021 to 2023 is open.

The draft Action Plan will be available for comment in the period from 10 December 2021 to 3 January 2022 on the portal e-Savjetovanje (e-Consultations).

The draft Action Plan for the implementatio of the Open Government Partnership initiative in the RoC for the period from 2021 to 2023 was created following the commitments made by the RoC by joining this global initiative.
Republic of Croatia by joining this initiative has shown readiness to support principles of transparency, fight against corruption, the empowerment of citizens and the use of new technologies so that the public authorities at all levels will be more effective and accountable, and create preconditions for a more efficient and innovative delivery of public services, namely management of public resources.
Certain steps towards reaching these goals have already been taken through the implementation of previous national action plans. The RoC has so far developed and implemented a total of three action plans for implementation of the Open Government Partnership initiative (for the period from 2012 to2013, then from 2014 to 2016 and to 2020), thus proving its commitment to the realisation of the ideas of the Open Government Partnership.
Following the fundamental principle of the Partnership, the process of creation this Action Plan, in all phases of defining measures and activities, included direct dialogue with representatives of civil society organisations and thus further promoted the value of partnership on which this initiative is based.
Due to the passage of time from the creation of the draft Action Plan to the publication of the consultation, i.e. as the current draft Action Plan refers to 2021, the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs will review the period of implementation of the Action Plan in such a way that the start of implementation of the envisaged actions will move to the beginning of 2022, while the end-term of the action will be shifted to the end of 2023.
