NGOs Open Days 2024

Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs) invites associations to organise and apply an event as part of the NGOs Open Days 2024.

NGOs Open Days will held from 6 to 8 June 2024 aiming at informing public on the work of associations in the local and wider community. It is opportunity for participation in number of creative workshops, lectures, shows, actions as well as getting knowing with different socially beneficial projects and programmes, but also possibilities of volunteering in association.
By organising this event the GOfNGOs wants to increase visibility of the work of associations, especially those that implement projects and programmes of interest of common good financed from the public sources, as well as to improve the public perception of associations.
For the participation in the NGOs Open Days we invite associations to register only via internet application UdrugeInfo where, in addition to announcements of events which associations usually register via internet application, will be visible number of associations’ events under the NGOs Open Days.
The NGOs Open Days 2024 will start on Thursday, June 6, 2024, with the conference “Development, contribution and role of associations in the field of media literacy in Croatia” which will be held in the Oris House of Architecture, King Držislav Street 2, in Zagreb.
The Agenda of the Conference will be published afterwards on the GOfNGOs web pages.
As part of the NGOs Open Days 2024, two “Walks through the history of associations in Zagreb” will be held in order to bring the public closer to the rich history of the activities of associations in Zagreb that significantly contributed to socio-economic development and laid the foundations of modern civil society.
Also, this year as well, in cooperation with the Croatian Association for Public Relations, GOfNGOs plans to publish Public Call “Communication support for socially useful programmes of associations”.
We invite you to follow our news pages.
