Held NGO Open Days 2024

Thanks to all association that have joined to the manifestation as well as to the citizens who showed interest in their activities.

Within the twelfth NGO Open Days 2024 in a row that hold from 6 to 8 June 2024 all over Croatia, Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs) organised on June 6 the Conference “Development, Contribution and Role of Associations in the Area of Media Literacy” in Oris - House of Architecture in Zagreb (3 Kralja Držislava Street). The Conference was attended by 70 guests alive, while others could watch the event via video broadcasting on Youtube GOfNGOs Channel  which you can watch on the recording.

At the beginning of the Conference, Helena Beus, authorized to perform the duties of the Director of the GOfNGOs, addressed everyone presented in the hall which was broadcast live. On behalf of the guests, Jasna Vaniček-Fila, director of the Directorate for Media and Development of Cultural and Creative Industries, representative of the Minister of Culture and Media, Ph.D. Nina Obuljen Koržined and Marija Trogrlić, spokeswoman for the Ministry of Croatian Veterans, representative of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Croatian Veterans Tomo Medved made an introductory address.
In the first panel titled Development of Media Literacy in Croatia - Role and Contribution of Associations participated the prof Igor Kanižaj, Ph.D. (professor at the Faculty for Political Sciences and the Vice president of the Society for communication and media culture), Ljiljana Buhač, Ph.D. (communication specialist and trainer of communication skills), Anita Malenica (journalist and member of the Agency of electronic media) and Assoc.Ph.D.Sc. Tanja Jurin (psychologist, assistant professor at the Cathedra for health and clinical psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy). The panelists, as experts emphasized that the associations had the most important role in developing of media literacy in Croatia. They pointed out the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication in addressing the association to the public and also highlighted the challenges that our society is facing related to the media and social networks.
The second panel was dedicated to our public call Communication assistance to the community service programmes of associations. The experience in communication with the public, before getting this support, during the implementation and after the completion were presented by: Sandra Kerovec from the association OZANA, Miroslava Rožanović from the Humanitarian organisation “Zajednica susret”, Ivana Kalogjera from the association “We are not alone”, Katarina Blažina Mukavec from the association “Society for Communication and Media Culture”, as well as the experts from the public relations Gordan Turković from CTA KOMUNIKACIJA, Gloria Mage Gospić from COMMUNICATIVE AGENCY and Marina Čulić Fischer from the “DIALOG KOMUNIKACIJA” that mentored the mentioned associations.
This year the citizens had chance to participate in in total 194 different events organised by associations. The review of all the registered events within the NGOs Open Days 2024 is available at the application UdrugeInfo.
The associations were with number of creative workshops, lectures, shows, actions and different others innovative ways presented their community service programmes, but also the possibilities of volunteering to the interested citizens. By participating in their activities, the citizens could gain insight into a wide range of activities that associations implement and be motivated for their own engagement in their local communities as beneficiaries of services or as volunteers, and, at the end of the day, as the organisers of the same activities next year!
GOfNGOs invites associations to report on organised events via an e mail address dovu@udruge.vlada.hr till 20 June 2024 (please, inform us about the activities held through a written report, video reportage and/or collage photography). For the most active associations, we have provided five annual subscription to the magazine Udruga.hr.
