Sponsorship of the Government of the Republic of Croatia over the public events organised by the civil society organisations

Pursuant to point VI of the Regulation on criteria and procedure of accepting the sponsorship of the Government of the Republic of Croatia (OG 44/16) over anniversaries, important events from the Homeland War, congresses, conferences, scientific and expert gatherings, festivals, competitions, exhibitions, fairs and other events, it is necessary for the CSO to get a preliminary opinion from the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs) before submitting request for the Government sponsorship to the relevant central state body according to the prescribed scope of action.
The request for giving a preliminary opinion is to be submitted to the GOfNGOs in writing on a request form. GOfNGOs will consider the request within 8 working days from receiving of the form and submit the opinion to the request applicant.
To be noted that the CSOs that wish to request the GOfNOGs opinion, are obliged to submit their request for the Government sponsorship with preliminary GOfNGOs opinion to the relevant central state body at least 45 days before the date of the event which they ask sponsorship for.
Information to the CSOs asking the Croatian Government sponsorship over public events (anniversaries, important events from the Homeland War, congresses, conferences, scientific and expert gatherings, festival, competitions, exhibitions, fairs and other events)