Personal Data Protection

Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs) processes data of individuals (respondent) according to the current regulations that define personal data protection (GDPR 2016/679).

GOfNGOs processes personal data of individuals (respondents) only in the case of clearly defined legal foundation - legal obligation, agreement from respondents or within dealing with activities of public interest or by exercising official powers.
Data that the GOfNGOs collects, i.e. records are:
  • data on employers
  • data on candidates for recruitment to the civil service
  • requests for access to information and reuse of information
  • requests and responses to citizens’ inquiries
  • data on the Croatian Government advisory bodies members which is coordinated by the GOfNGOs (Council for the Civil Society Development, Council for the Open Government Partnership)
  • data on the CSOs representatives who apply to public calls for election to advisory bodies of state bodies in accordance with the Council for the Civil Society Development Rules of Procedures
  • data on beneficiaries of mobile application UdrugeInfo in accordance to the General Rules of application use UdrugeInfo
  • data on contact persons in institutions - public donors of funds to projects and programmes of common good interest implemented by the associations
  • data on representatives /responsible persons / project managers in CSOs that apply to the calls for funds from public sources
  • data collected due to access to criminal evidence on persons in direct contact with children in project funded through GOfNGOs calls
  • data on persons applied to public calls for adding to the base of public evaluators for calls published by the GOfNGOs
  • data on participants in events organised by the GOfNGOs.

Recipients of personal data
GOfNGOs will forward personal data to other recipients exclusively on the basis of a legal obligation, i.e. justified request of authorised public body. GOfNGOs will inform respondent whose personal data forwards to other recipients, will ask for prior consent, respectively in case data is forwarding on the basis of a request of authorised body and without exclusive legal obligation.
Respondents’ rights
Depending on the purpose of personal data processing, respondents have rights according to the current regulations on personal data.
  • Right to access to personal data
  • Correction of personal data
  • Deletion of personal data without the necessity of permanent data storage in accordance with legal provisions
  • Limitation of personal data procession, in accordance with legal provisions
  • Right to submitting complaint to monitoring body (Agency for Personal Data Protection).
Personal data protection contact
Requests, complaints or inquiries regarding processing and protection of personal data may be submitted to the electronic address of Data Protection Officer:
In accordance to the current regulations that defines personal data protection, every request/inquiry will be resolved as soon as possible, not later than 30 days from receiving.
When contacting and making the above requests, we will make reasonable efforts to confirm your identity and prevent unauthorised processing of personal data.
Contact of the Data Protection Officer:
or via post:
Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia
Opatička 4,
10 000 Zagreb