Constitutive session of the Council for cooperation with and development of the civil sector held

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  • Slika
  • Slika
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The session was held in the premises of the Government in Skopje on 16th of April

The Council for cooperation with and development of the civil sector was established with the Decision on establishing the Council for cooperation with and development of the civil sector from 2016 and with the Amendments on the Decision from 2017. consists of 31 members: 15 representatives of state bodies and 16 representatives of civil society organizations.

The constituent session was chaired by the oldest member of the Council  from representatives of civil society organizations Jasna Mandić (Resource center for parents of children with special needs). At the beginning of the session Radmila Šekerinska Jankovska, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, and Nicola Bertollini, Head of the Department for Cooperation in the European Delegation Union adressed the members of the Council.

At the constituent session, a working group was established for drafting Rulebook for the work of the Council composed of two representatives of civil society organizations and one representative of state bodies.

The session was attended by members of the project team of the Twinning Light Project "Further institutionalisation of structured mechanism/s for cooperation between the Government and civil society" who drafted a Proposal of the Rulebook for the work of the Council, which will be submitted to the members of the Council.
