Decision on financial support to the associations applied to the Public Call “Communication support to the associations’ community service programmes”

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Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs) in cooperation with the Croatian Association for Public Relations, awarded three rewards to associations that carry out activities aimed at developing lifelong education, additional training and learning new skills.

This year theme of the Public Call was “The role and contribution of associations in upgrading of capacities and development of CSOs skills and their beneficiaries on the labour market”. The awarded associations – Society for communication and media culture, Association for support of victims and witnesses and Association for people with intellectual disabilities Bjelovar, will receive pro bono expert communication support from public relations mentors from the agencies Communication Dialogue, Communication Narrative and Mind Communications in designing and implementing media and communication plans for promotion of community service activities they carry out.
By the Decision on financing the associations applied to the Public Call “Communication support to the associations’ community service programmes” the GOfNGOs will grant three financial support of 3.980,00€ from the State Budget to finance the cost of producing promotional materials and advertising the Associations’ community service programme.
