European Commission adopted Operational Programme "Efficient Human Resources"

European Commission adopted the Operational Programme "Efficient Human Resources" which defines areas in which the Republic of Croatia will, until 2020, be able to invest assets from the European Social Fund and Youth Employment Initiative.

The OP's main objective is to contribute to the employment growth and to strengthen social cohesion in Croatia. Its total value i 1,85 billion euro, ot of which 1,58 billion is financed by the EU budget, including 66 million euros from the Youth Employment Initiative.
The European Social Fund is one of the fundamental EU structural instruments which provides member states with the support for investment in human capital and strengthening the European economy competitiveness. Activities financed by the European Social Funds assist people to improve their skills and to better integrate into the labour market, and are focused on fight against poverty and social exclusion, as well as on enhancement of effectiveness of public administration. 
The Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs took part in the process of ESF investment priorities programming, i. e. in the creation of the Operational Programme "Efficient Human Resources", within which funds from the priorities "High Employment and Labour Mobility", "Social Inclusion", "Education and Lifelong Learning" and "Good Governance" are available to finance projects of civil society organisations. 
You can find more information here.
Operational Programme "Efficient Human Resources" is here
