Fifth Call for Porposals of the French Embassy for CSOs

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In partnership with the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs), the French Embassy is launching its fifth Call for Proposals dedicated to the civil society organisations.

This Call aims at strengthening Franco-Croatian partnerships through the development of small-scale projects (maximum grant is 3000 €) in one of the three following priority areas:
1. gender equality and the fight against any type of gender-based discrimination, 
2. reconciliation and promotion of tolerance and 
3. protection of the environment and the fight against climate change. 

The grant allocated under this call can cover expenses related to activities such as the organization of conference and round tables, study visits, advocacy, educational activities dedicated to children and youth, trainings, joint publications. All projects must involve a French component in terms of the connection with a French organisation/s or institution/s, mobilization of French expertise or interest for an exchange of experiences with French stakeholders in order to promote mutual understanding and sharing of experiences between the two countries.
Applications must be submitted in English and sent by email by 14st of April 2023 at the latest.
More information is available on the French Embassy web site.
