NGOs receive more than 10 million kunas from EU funds to stimulate employment of young people, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups in society

Eleven projects are contracted within the grant program “Supporting CSOs Capacity for Advocacy and Motivation Programmes for Socially Excluded Groups” within the Operational Programme Human Resources Development.


Projects financed by EU and the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs will encourage employment of young people and persons with disabilities, advocate for inclusion of vulnerable groups in decision-making processes and promote the social inclusion of these groups.


These projects will significantly contribute to the recognition of CSOs and their role in social and economic development of local communities. In the following 18 months social capital will be strengthened at the local level by creating a network of support and motivation of members of the most vulnerable parts of the population. Dario Baron, Assistant Minister of Labour and Pension System, mentioned on today’s presentation that “ evidenced by these projects, civil society is an important stakeholder in the process of absorption of funds from the EU Structural Funds, including the European Social Fund.” National Foundation for Civil Society Development and the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs are responsible for the monitoring of implementation of these projects.

List of projects
