Public Call for nomination of candidates for the Open Government Partnership initiative Council members

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We invite associations acting in the area of access to information and transparency to nominate candidates for the members and deputy members of the Open Government Partnership initiative Council.

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a multilateral initiative in which the Republic of Croatia (RoC) has actively participated from 2012. The aim of the initiative is to ensure the concrete improvement of the member states in the area of transparency and openness of the public administration bodies work, engagement and empowerment of citizens and civil society, fight against corruption and use of new technologies for the improvement of service quality provided to the citizens by the public administration.

The Open Government Partnership initiative Council was established by the Government Decision on 26 January 2012. It consists of the representatives of the state, local and regional governments, civil society organisations (CSOs), academic community and media. The Council is in charge of ensuring continuing dialogue of state administration bodies, CSOs, business secotr, academic community, media and other representative of interested public on improving standards of openness and transparency of public administration bodies in the RoC. The Council is also responsible for the preparation of the Action Plan proposal for the implementation of OGP initiative in the Roc, as well as for monitoring its implementation.
The Council is currently in its 3rd convocation and consists of 26 representatives of state, local and regional governments, CSOs, as well as the academic community and media.
Given that the positions of two representatives of associations dealing with access to information and transparency are currently vacant (two members and their substitute), the GOfNGOs invites interested associations with relevant experienced in the mentioned field to propose their candidates for members and deputies members of the OGP initiative Council, by filling out the Form available at the link below.
Based on the received nominations, the Council for the Civil Society Development will elect the members of the OGP initiative Council.
The applications are accepted until 28 June 2024 at the e-mail address
The candidates Application Form
The Decision on establishment of the Open Government Partnership Council of 23 February 2017.
The Decision on establishment of the Open Government Partnership Council of 21 March 2019.
The Decision on establishment of the Open Government Partnership Council of 29 October 2020.

News | Open Government Partnership (OGP) Initiative