Second session of the Council for cooperation with and development of the civil sector held in Skopje

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  • Slika
  • Slika
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The session was held in the premises of the Government in Skopje on 14th of May.

At the second session of the Council, the Rules of Procedure of the Council were adopted, after which the President and Deputy President of the Council were elected.
Fani Karanfilova - Panovska, a representative of civil society organizations from the field of civil society development was elected for President, and Gordana Gapic Dimitrovska, representative of the Ministry of Information Society and Administration, was elected for Deputy President of the Council.
The Council at a second session discussed the Draft of the Strategy of the Government of Republic of Macedonia for cooperation with and development of civil society 2018 -2020 and the related Action Plan. The Council was informed about the process of drafting the Strategy and the Action Plan, and the next Council session that will be held on May 30 will be devoted to the Draft Strategy and Action Plan.
Also Council has started discussion on the comments on the Decision on establishment of a Council for cooperation and development of the civil society that were prepared by experts from Office for cooperation with NGOs within the Twinning light project  „Further institutionalization of structured mechanism/s for cooperation between the Government and civil society".

More about Twinning light project „Further institutionalization of structured mechanism/s for cooperation between the Government and civil society" can be found here.

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