Strengthening social and economic cohesion through development of volunteering programs

Public presentation of 9 civil society projects supported by the European Social Fund was held in House of Europe in Zagreb. Total financial allocation for the selected projects is more than 6,5 million kunas.


The projects will encourage development of quality and sustainable volunteering programs and promote values of volunteering and its importance for social and economic cohesion in Croatia. Volunteering programs that will be implemented through these projects include mobile support teams for socially excluded families and parents, establishment of volunteer information centres to help former alcohol addicts and victims of family violence, establishment of volunteer centre Vukovar, strengthening capacities of schools' staff for volunteering initiatives organization and inclusion of vulnerable groups in activities of local communities through volunteering. It is expected that these projects, financed by the European Union and co-financed by Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs will increase the number of citizens included in volunteering activities, as well as the number of civil society organizations and public institutions that implement quality volunteering programs, helping volunteers to gain valuable competencies and strengthen their potential for active inclusion in labour market. Activities will be implemented in partnerships between civil society organizations, educational institutions, public administration bodies and regional administration in ten Croatian counties.


The projects are contracted within the Grant program “Supporting Contribution of CSOs Active in the Field of Volunteering to Strengthening of Economic and Social Cohesion”, financed by the Operational Programme Human Resources Development. Foundation for Civil Society Development and Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs are responsible for monitoring the projects.

List of projects
