Workshop for monitoring the implementation of the Strategy and the Action plan for implementation of the Government Strategy for cooperation with and development of civil society 2018 – 2020 held

  • Slika
  • Slika
  • Slika
  • Slika
  • Slika
  • Slika
  • Slika
  • Slika
  • Slika
  • Slika
Slika Slika Slika Slika Slika Slika Slika Slika

The workshop was held in Skopje on May 16th and 17th 2018 at the Club of the state administration bodies

Workshop for capacity building of the members of the Network of civil servants for cooperation with civil society was devoted to the theoretical and practical models of monitoring the implementation of the Strategy and the Action plan.

The two-day workshop was designed and held by the project team from the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs from Croatia, focusing on capacity building for monitoring of the implementation of the Action plan for the period 2018 - 2020 for the Strategy for cooperation of the Government with civil society, including clear procedures, requirements and deadlines for the monitoring process. The training was based on Croatian good practice example but taking into account local specifics. The workshop was conducted interactively and all participants were actively involved.

Workshop was conducted within the Twinning light project „Further institutionalization of structured mechanism/s for cooperation between the Government and civil society".
