Call for proposals “Strengthening Croatian-Swiss Partnerships for Local Social and Economic Growth and Development”

Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs launched the Call for Proposals within the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme

The overall goal of the Call is to improve local economic and social development in Croatia through cooperation and partnership between Croatian and Swiss institutions, local governments and civil society organisations.

Specific objectives are:
  1. to contribute to sustainable local development and improving the quality of life through knowledge and experience exchange;
  2. to empower partnerships of Croatian and Swiss institutions, local governments and civil society organisations;
  3. to contribute to improving the capacities for governing local economic and social development.

The final application deadline is 1 October 2018.

The applications can be submitted in Croatian or English.

Planned duration of project implementation is 12 - 20 months from the date of signing the contract.

Total amount of allocation is 13.200.000,00 kunas.

Two groups of activities (i.e. two lots) will be supported. The first lot is focused on cooperation between the two countries in the areas important for sustainable development of local communities, and the other on the cooperation between the two countries in the area of road safety. A total of HRK 8,800,000.00 have been allocated to Lot 1 activities and a total of HRK 3,500,000.00 to Lot 2. The minimum grant amount that can be awarded to an individual project is HRK 400,000.00, and the maximum grant amount that can be awarded to a project is HRK 1,500,000.00. 

The total amount of the project expenditure that may be financed is up to 90% of total project expenditure, while applicants and partners need to ensure the remaining 10% of contribution.

The documentation is available here

Questions and Answers available here.

News | Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme