NGO Open Days 2021 were held

We would like to thank all the associations that have joined the event. We also thank to the citizens that have shown the interest in their work.

The Government Office for NGOs invites the association to report on the events they organised (inform us on the events held through the written report, video and/or photo collage) via e mail by June 28, 2021. We also invite the citizens to informe on the associations they visited (by sending filled „passports“). We have provided special prizes for the most acitive associations and citizens.
In addition, we would like to remind on the questionnaire on the future of Europe the Government Office has preparedWe invite NGO Open Days 2021 participants to fill out the questionnaire with the data on the association they visited or are active in them (are members) by sharing their vision of the future of Europe. The Government Office will, then, communicate the associations / citizens feedbacks on the European Commission digital platform.
More on the NGO Open Days 2021 and other GOfNGOs activities, please, find on the Office web pages.
