The role of civil society in the implementation of the National Anti-corruption Programme – next steps

The role of civil society in the implementation of the National Anti-corruption Programme – next steps

Expert symposium on the subject of Next Steps in the implementation of National Anti-corruption Programme: the role of civil society, organized by the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs, will be held in the great hall of the Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship, Vukovarska Street 78, ground floor on Friday, 12 October 2007, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss and agree on further steps in the implementation of the National Anti-corruption Programme in close cooperation of state authorities and civil society organizations. The focus of the discussion will be on finding ways to inform citizens in a more simple, understandable and approachable way on:
-          what are exactly criminals acts of corruption ;
-          what is the difference between the criminal acts of corruption and other similar criminal acts;
-          what are exactly the competences of the most important authorities for the fight against corruption (Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Attorney's Office, USKOK - Office for the Prevention of Corruption and Organized Crime);
-          how and to whom can corruption be reported to;
-          what are the most common mistakes that citizens make in reporting corruption, and
-          what are the potential benefits and harmful consequences for citizens who report corruption.

The conference will include Igor Vidačak, the Head of the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs, Željka Burić, Ministry of Justice (National Anti-Corruption Programme 2006-2008), Nataša Đurović, USKOK (Reporting and Proving Corruption), Ana Profeta Partnership for Social Development (Recommendations for Amendments to the National Anti-corruption Programme), Suzana Kunac, B.a.b.e. (Be Active, Be Emancipated) and Ariana Vela, GONG (Participation of Civil Society Organizations in the Creation of Anti-corruption Mechanisms), together with members of the Council for the Development of Civil Society, representatives of civil society organizations and state authorities.
Please confirm your attendance before Thursday, 11 October 2007 at latest on the phone no.: 01/6106-500, fax: 01/6109-972 or e-mail:
You can find the National Anti-corruption Programme here.