20.5 million kunas of support for projects that will contribute to the transparency of public administration in Croatia

In December 2014, 12 projects received a grant of 2.7 million euros (20.5 million kunas) within a grant scheme Reinforcing support of CSOs in enhancing transparency and good governance in Croatian public administration  (IPA 2011).

The aim of this Call for Proposal is to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations for the implementation of activities that will improve the transparency and openness of the Croatian public administration in all areas of public policy. Selected projects will contribute to developing of capacities and cooperation between citizens and public administration in order to improve the transparency and openness of public administration and policies related to spatial planning, budget management, human rights and the improvement of higher education in Croatia. Likewise, the projects will contribute to the participation of citizens in decision-making process.

Projects' beneficieries are associations, while cities, municipalities and universities are included in the project implementation as partners. Further, projects will be implemented in 17 Croatian counties which will provide training on monitoring and advocating public policies, mechanisms to prevent corruption, citizen participation in budget management, spatial plans and natural resources for more than 800 representatives of civil society, public administration, media and political parties.

Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs is responsible for the monitoring of implementation of these projects, in collaboration with the Central Finance and Contracting Agency.

List of contracted projects.
