6th Global Summit of Open Government Partnership was held

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The 6th Global Open Government Partnership Summit hosted by the Government of Canada was held in the capital of Canada - Ottawa from May 29 to May 31, 2019.

The summit brought together 79 countries and 20 local governments from the Open Government Partnership initiative, which came together to share knowledge and work together to create solutions for more open and transparent governments around the world. Among more than 2000 participants from national, local and regional authorities, representatives of civil society organizations, academia and many other participants from around the world there were also representatives from the Republic of Croatia.

Representatives of the Government Office for NGOs, as a contact point of the Croatian Open Government Partnership initiative, participated in the meetings of the Steering Committee at the operational and ministerial levels, and at the Contact Points Conference of the Open Government Partnership. In addition to representatives of the Government Office for NGO’s, the Croatian Ambassador to Canada participated in the Summit. This was also the last meeting of the Steering Board for the Republic of Croatia, since after our two consecutive terms, in October 2019, there is a break and the members rotate in the Steering Board.

The Government of Canada, that hosted the Summit, has been chairing the Open Government Partnership initiative since October 1, 2018, during which it pledged to work on the priorities of the open government.
On this occasion, the first comprehensive assessment of the state of open government was made and published in the form of a publication "The Global Open Government Partnership". The report gives a thorough overview of the progress made by the member states of the Open Government Partnership Initiative in the first eight years of partnership.
The publication "Do We Trust Democracy? A Future Agenda for Europe", in which 28 authors from all EU Member States present their ideas on how to preserve the health of democracy in Europe, was also published.
