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15 applications for co-financing of CSOs projects were approvedThe Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs) adopted the third Decision on co-financing the projects of civil society organisations (CSOs) for 2024.
16.08.2024. | News | Co-financing
15 applications for co-financing of civil society organisations projects were approved The Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs) adopted the second Decision on co-financing the projects of civil society organisations (CSOs) for 2024. 09.08.2024. | News | Co-financing
8 applications for co-financing of civil society organisations projects were approved The Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs) adopted the first Decision on co-financing the projects of civil society organisations (CSOs) for 2024. 09.07.2024. | News | Co-financing
Public Call for Proposals for co-financing of civil society organisations (CSOs) projects contracted under the European Union programs and foreign funds for the year 2024

Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs has published the Public Call for Proposals for co-financing of civil COSs projects contracted under the European Union and foreign funds in 2024

14.06.2024. | News | Co-financing
Opened Public Consultation on the Draft Rules for the co-financing of CSOs projects contracted within the framework of the EU programme and foreign funds for the year 2024Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs) has opened a Public Consultation on the Draft Rules for co-financing for the year 2024. 08.04.2024. | News | Co-financing
11 applications submitted for co-financing of the CSOs projects contracted under EU programme were approvedThe Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs adopted the sixth Decision on co-financing the projects of civil society organisations under the EU and foreign funds programmes for 2023. 29.11.2023. | News | Co-financing
9 applications submitted for co-financing of the CSOs projects contracted under EU programme were approvedThe Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs adopted the fourth Decision on co-financing the projects of civil society organisations under the EU and foreign funds programmes for 2023. 14.09.2023. | News | Co-financing
8 applications submitted for co-financing of the CSOs projects contracted under EU programme were approved

The Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs adopted the third Decision on co-financing the projects of civil society organisations under the EU and foreign funds programmes for 2023.

31.08.2023. | News | Co-financing
13 applications submitted for co-financing of the CSOs projects contracted under EU programme were approvedThe Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs adopted the second Decision on co-financing the projects of civil society organisations under the EU and foreign funds programmes for 2023. 09.08.2023. | News | Co-financing