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Fifth Call for Porposals of the French Embassy for CSOsIn partnership with the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs), the French Embassy is launching its fifth Call for Proposals dedicated to the civil society organisations. 12.04.2023. | News | Franch Embassy (Call for Proposals)
Held Conference „Open local and reginal government – challenges and opportunities“The Conference „Open local and regional government – challenges and opportunities“, organised by the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs) held on Wendesday, 14 December 2022 in a hybrid format. 03.01.2023. | Page
7 applications submitted for co-financing of the CSOs projects contracted under EU programme were approvedThe Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs adopted fourth Decision on co-financing the projects of civil society organisations under the EU and foreign funds programmes for 2022. 30.12.2022. | News | Co-financing
Signed the Framework Agreement for the second round of the Swiss contribution between the Republic of Croatia (RoC) and the Swiss Confederation52 projects were implemented within the NGO Block Grant for and Partnership Block Grant worth in total HRK 48,25 million. 28.10.2022. | News | Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme
Held online education on the occasion of the Open Government WeekAs part of the Pilot project “ASOC - Cross-Border cooperation Interreg Italy - Croatia”, for the project participants, i.e. the students of the four secondary schools from the Croatia the online education was held, which also marked Open Government Week 2022 (OpenGovWeek). 25.10.2022. | News | Open Government Partnership (OGP) Initiative
7 applications submitted for co-financing of the CSOs projects contracted under EU programme were approved
08.09.2022. | News | Co-financing
The Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs adopted the Decision on co-financing the projects of civil society organisations under the EU and foreign funds programmes for 2022.
Another Decision on financing within ESF - more than HRK 11 milion for CSOs projects in the area of the local community developmentGovernment Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs) organised contract award ceremony for the projects from the ESF Call „Strengthening the Capacity of Civil Society Organizations to Respond to Local Needs“, on 27 July 2022 in the Hotel Sheraton Zagreb 23.08.2022. | News | European Social Fund
Decision on financing to the associations applied for the Public Call „Communication support to community service programmes“Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs) in cooperation with Croatian Association for Public Relations, rewarded three awards to associations that carry out activities aimed at solving crisis situations and building new models of aid and support. 22.08.2022. | Page
7 applications submitted for co-financing of the CSOs projects contracted under EU programme were approvedThe Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs adopted the Decision on co-financing the projects of civil society organisations contracted under the EU and foreign funds programmes for 2022 19.08.2022. | News | Co-financing
The Action Plan for the implementation of the Open Government Partnership initiative in the Republic of Croatia (RoC) for the period 2022 - 2023 was adoptedThe Croatian Government has adopted the Action Plan for the implementation of the Open Government Partnership initiative in the RoC for the period 2022-2023 on its 132 session, held on 14 July 2022. 15.07.2022. | News | Open Government Partnership (OGP) Initiative