Call for expression of interest for involvement of the local/regional self governments into the Open Government Partnership (OGP)

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OGP has published Public Call for applying new local members interested in joining the Initiative. In 2022 it is planed to expand to 50 local governments (counties, cities, municipalities and other levels of administration from member countries).

Local authorities are closest to their citizens and are in charge of providing basic public services. Therefore the „Open Government Program Local“ was launched in 2016 - a program of joining the local self governments to the OGP, with the aim of building partnerships between local governments and civil society organizations. societies to make local governments more open, inclusive, participatory and accountable to their citizens. You can find out more about innovations happenig at local level, globally on the OGP website.
After formal joining the Initiative and completion of the training program, the new members will have to develop and implement an Action plan for Open Government Partnership at the local level, monitor its implementation and progress and participate in the activities of the echange of experience. Details of the responsibilities and process of involving and participating new members can be found in the Open Government Partnership Local Handbook
The joining the local units to the OGP consider a number of benefits for different stakeholders in the process. Detailed information can be found in the Brochure OGP Local.
Applications are opene utill 16 March 2022 and more information about the Public Call itself can be found at the POV publication of the Public Call, as well as on the application process site. Also, additional information by all interested parties can also be found through contacts of the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs, as a contact point of the OGP for Croatia.

News | Open Government Partnership (OGP) Initiative