CERV program presented in Pazin

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The information session of the CERV program was held on 17 January 2022

The Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (GOfNGOs) as the National Contact Point of the CERV program presented the Union program Citizens, Equaity, Rights and Values, on 17 January 2022 in Pazin Memorial House.
The event opened Suzana Jašić Mayor of the City of Pazin, who in her introductory adress encouraged those gathered to explore the opportunities offered by the CERV program and apply for their projects, especially since the application and implementation procedures are simplier than decentralized programs.
Saša Šegrt presented the basic features of the CERV program, its structure and currently open tenders in front of the National Contact Point. The presentation also included links to various documents, materials and pages with detailed instructions on application procedures, which can be useful to potential applicants in preparing and developing their project ideas.
The assembeled representatives of local self-government, public institutions, associations, foundations and other non-profit organizations from Pazin, Porec, Pula and other places in Istria had numerous questions about how to apply, interpret the conditions of individual tenders and the principle of compliance of their ideas with certain segments of the Program. interest in participating in the program.
The Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values ​​(CERV) program is the largest program in the history of the European Union designed to protect and promote the rights and values ​​enshrined in the fundamental Treaties and the EU Charter of Fundamental Values: Democracy, Rule of Law, Fundamental Rights, Transparency and Good Governance. 
The GOfNGOs acts as the National Contact Point of the CERV program, in charge of informing and educating about the Program, strengthening its visibility in the Republic of Croatia and providing technical support to applicants and projects beneficiaries.

News | Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV)