Croatian Government Adopts the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Open Government Partnership Initiative

On its session of 5 April, the Government of the Republic of Croatia adopted the Action Plan for the implementation of the Open Government Partnership initiative in Croatia 2012-2013. The document in question was drawn up pursuant to the obligations which Croatia assumed upon its joining the global initiative, and in line with the Programme of the Government of the Republic of Croatia for the Adoption and Implementation of the Acquis Communautaire for 2012.
As a member ofthe Open Government Partnership global initiative, the Republic of Croatia expressed its readiness to support the principles of transparency, fight against corruption, empowering citizens and using the capacity of new technologies to enable public authority bodies on all levels to have better efficiency and accountability and create prerequisites for more efficient and innovative public service provision and public resource management.
By joining the Open Government Partnership in September 2011, the Republic of Croatia assumed the obligation of drawing up a national Action Plan and presenting it to the other countries members of the initiative at the annual meeting in April 2012. For the purpose of giving information, conducting consultations but also encouraging active citizen, civil society and the interested public participation in the drawing up of the Action Plan, public debates were held in September 2011 and January and March 2012. The main achievements but also the challenges in strengthening the openness of public authority bodies were presented there. At the end of January the Internet consultations about the key issues encompassed by the draft Action Plan were launched. Moreover, civil society organizations were given the opportunity for equal participation in all phases of the document development. This approach is in line with the Government objective of introducing a new concept of co-operation between the state administration bodies and citizens and civil society in order to open the space for united action in creating, implementing and supervising the policies which are of direct interest to citizens. The purpose of the approach is to encourage transparency and openness in the work of public authority bodies and involve citizens and civil society in shaping public policy.
The measures and implementation activities proposed in the Action Plan are divided into four chapters: fiscal transparency, access to information, using information technology, and citizen and civil society participation. Implementing and co-implementing bodies were appointed for each activity as well as the implementation or start of implementation deadlines. Clear indicators were also set which will enable monitoring of the implementation of the Action Plan measures and activities.
The implementation of the Action Plan will be coordinated by the Council for Open Government Partnership initiative and the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs as the body providing the Council with expert support.

 You can read more about the Open Government Partnership initiative here
