Kick off event

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  • Slika
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On Tuesday 13 March 2018, the kick-off event for the Twinning ligt project was held at the EU Info Centre in Skopje.

At the event Ms Vesna Lendić Kasalo, the project manager in front of the Member State , presented the project and the members of the project team, who presented their activities on the project.

The overall project objective is improved enabling environment for civil society in the Beneficiary Country, by establishing a fully operational Council for cooperation between the Government and civil society and the adoption of a new Action Plan (2018-2020) for implementing the Government Strategy for cooperation with civil society.

In front of the Beneficiary Country Mr. Tahir Hani, Deputy Secretary General of the Government, addressed the assembled. Mr. Hani expressed the readiness of the Government of the Beneficiary State to support the implementation of the project and underlined the Government's commitment to establishing partnership relations with civil society.
Mr Nicola Bertollini, Head of the Department for Cooperation in the Delegation of the European Union, participated in the event in front of the European Union Delegation in the Beneficiary Country. He underlined the need to develop a realistic strategic plan for civil society development, with very concrete goals and measures, and that the Delegation strongly supports project activities, in particular the establishment of the Council for Cooperation between the Government and Civil Society.