NGOs Open Days

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NGOs Open Days, the manifestation organised by the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs  (GOfNGOs) is the annual event that held all over Croatia with the aim of informing the public on the work of associations in local and wider community. It is the opportunity for citizens to participate in many creative workshops, lectures, shows, actions and to learn about different community service projects and programmes, as well as the possibilities of volunteering in associations.
To participate in the NGO Open Days, the associations apply through the application UdrugeInfo where among other events, which associations usually register via application, visible are also other different events of the associations within the NGOs Open Days. Associations can register their events until the beginning of the event itself. For the associations that apply in time, the promo materials and appropriate rewards are ensured (please, inform us on conducted events by written report, video reportage and / or collage photography).
The short guidelines for register to the application UdrugeInfo are available on the following link.
