Programme Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) 2021-2027

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In the new programming period 2021-2027 the new centralized Union programme, Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV), managed by the DG JUST and partly by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency has been established. It covers areas of the former programmes Europe for Citizens, Rights, Equality, Citizenship and DAPHNE.
The CERV programme is the largest programme so far intended to promote and protect Union values: democracy, rule of low, fundamental rights, transparency and good governance aiming at building more democratic Europe and raising citizens' awareness of the rights and values enshrined in the fundamental treaties and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, providing financial support for the non-profit sector in promoting these rights and common values.
In the financial period 2021-2027 the forcasted budget of the CERV Programme is 15 mld. EUR, allocated to 4 thematic sections:
  1. European Values strand - promotion of the EU fundamental rights
  2. Equality, Rights and Gender Equality strand - promotion of equality, righs and gender equality
  3. Citizens engagement and participation strand - promotion of joint european history and active citizen participation - inclusion of the citizens in democratic and political life of the Union
  4. Daphne strand - fightin against every form of violence
The CERV programme further simplifies the administrative procedures for beneficiaries. More on the Programme you can learn from the Funding Decision of the CERV programme and the accompanying Work Plan for 2021-2022, which describes the individual parts of the Programme, the allocation of the budget by areas, the actions to be supported and their expected results, and the indicative time of the Call.
Calls for financing are published on the Funding & tender opportunities portal including specific information on each individual call, and we address all interested organisations and institutions to regularly follow this official website.
By the Croatian Government Decision on 28 May 2021, the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs was nominated as the Contact Point of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme. The tasks of the Programme Contact Point will be informing and educating about the Programme, strengthening of the Programme visibility and systematically providing technical support to applicants and project beneficiaries contracted under the Programme, but also disseminating information and results to the interested public and national and EU bodies.
More information on the CERV sub-programmes are avalilable here:
For all questions related to the Programme, you can contact