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Presentation of the Action plan for the period 2018 - 2020 for implementation of the Strategy for cooperation of the government with civil society held in Bitola

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Photo /slike/DSC_0660.JPGSlika Slika Slika Slika

Presentation was held on Friday, 7th of September in the premises of Bitola municipality.

Project team leader from the member country Vesna Lendić Kasalo gave introduction to the project ‘Further institutionalisation of structured mechanism/s for cooperation between the government and civil society' with emphasis on project activities and results and the process of developing Action plan for the period 2018 - 2020 for implementation of the Strategy for cooperation of the Government with civil society.

Short term experts presented key points of the Action plan for the period 2018 - 2020 for implementation of the Strategy for cooperation of the Government with civil society.

In the disscusion after the presentation representatives of Miunicipality of Bitola and rešresentatives of vivil society from Bitola presented their experiences in cooperation of civil society organisations and local government and noted that Bitola, along with Skopje, is the only city with a local Civil Society Development Strategy.

In the disscusion after the presentation focus was on the work of the Council for cooperation with and development of the civil society and issues regarding citizens engagement in law-making as well as state funding of the programmes and projects of the civil society organisations.
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