Final event of the EU-funded Twinning Light project: ‘Further institutionalisation of structured mechanism/s for cooperation between the government and civil society' held

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On Thursday, 6 September 2018, the final event for the EU-funded Twinning project: ‘Further institutionalization of structured mechanism/s for cooperation between the government and civil society’ has taken place at the EU Info Centre. 

The overall project objective was to improve enabling environment for civil society in the country, with the budget for this EU funded project of 250 000 EUR.
The implementing project partners were: the Government of the Republic of Croatia - the Office for Cooperation with NGOs (the Member State body responsible for implementation), the Central Finance and Contracting Agency (the Member State body responsible for administrative and financial management) and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia (the Member State institution providing its short-term expert), as well as the General Secretariat of the Government (the main Beneficiary Country institution) and the Central Financing and Contracting Department of the Ministry of Finance (the Contracting Authority in the Beneficiary Country).
The participants of the event were welcomed by Ms Vesna Lendić Kasalo, Deputy Head of Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Member State Country, Ms Nirvana Sokolovski, Head of Service, Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Ms Suzana Nikodijevikj-Filipovska Head of Sector for Policy Analysis and Coordination of the General Secretariat of the Government from the Beneficiary Country, Ms Danijela Barišić, Ambassador of the Member State Country to the Beneficiary Country and Irena Ivanova, Programme Manager in Delegation of the European Union to the Beneficiary Country.
After welcoming words, project partners presented all project’s results and outputs.​ The project’s purpose - to create an improved environment for civil society through a functional Council for cooperation between the Government and civil society and preparation of new Action Plan (for the period 2018-2020) for the implementation of the Strategy for cooperation of the Government with civil society – was achieved:
  • Council is established, with four sessions held
  • new Strategy and Action plan are drafted through inclusive public consultation process and waiting to be adopted by the Government in forthcoming days
  • numerous workshops, public discussions, for civil servants representatives of public administration, and representatives of CSOs were held.
During the eight months of the project’s implementation, numerous project outputs were developed:
  • more than 25 documents were analysed and/or produced
  • 7 workshops and trainings were prepared and conducted
  • 30 meetings were held with more than 400 relevant stakeholders (representatives of state administration bodies, civil society organizations and other experts)
  • 106 comments received on the Draft Action Plan (received from public consultations, opinions of the relevant state authorities and written comments of members of the Council for cooperation with and development of civil society) were analysed and responded
  • 500 leaflets printed and disseminated presenting all relevant information about the project, Council and Unit for cooperation with CSOs.
  • 5 press releases were produced,
  •  Project activities were regularly reported on official web pages of the Croatian Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs and General secretariat of the Government of the Beneficiary country
  •  Facebook page of the project was published with 15 posts regarding news from the project