Role of the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs in the process of programming
Funds allocated to the Republic of Croatia for financing IPA Component I - Transition Assistance and Institution Building for each budgetary year have been defined in Multi-annual Indicative Financial Framework. The amount defined for each budgetary year has been envisaged for financing projects with the purpose of assisting state administrative bodies in achieving readiness for effective application of national laws adjusted to the EU acquis communautaire, as well as for preparation of state administrative bodies and civil society beneficiaries in management of the Structural Funds after the EU accession.
Programming is the project cycle phase within which opportunities, problems and obstacles in certain sector have been identified based on the situation analysis on the national level. Actions/projects already in implementation and sectors not covered by the assistance are being defined. Furthermore, lists of stakeholders and potential beneficiaries is also set up. Sectoral analysis are being made, with the identification of priority areas to be financed by the programme. The Council for the Development of Civil Society has been included in this process.
Programming process defines:
- goals and main directions of expenditure in a certain sector
- national institutions responsible for coordination and management of relevant funds
- indicative amounts and fund allocation across the sectors and measures