Operational grants

Strand 1: European remembrance
- financial support for the costs necessary for the implementation of the regular and permanent activities of a certain organization, which are in line with the aims of this strand and are implemented at the EU level.
- Eligible applicants: organizations dealing with totalitarian regimes in the modern European history and commemoration of victims, organizations dealing with the key moments in the modern European history, CSOs and think tanks whose focus is on the EU common values.
     Strand 2: Democratic engagement and civil participation
 - financial support for the costs necessary for the implementation of the regular and permanent activities of a certain organization, which are in line with the aims of this strand.
- Eligible applicants: think tanks, CSOs operating on the European level, platforms of pan-European organizations.
Deadlines for both strands
Submission deadlines Eligibility period: projects must start between
1/10/2013 Financial year of an applicant after the year of the submission deadline
1/10/2017 Financial year of an applicant after the year of the submission deadline